Empowering every PTE test taker through free, open-source practice resources and community collaboration.
This simple yet effective website is personally developed to provide easy access to PTE exam practice, focusing primarily on Repeat Sentence (RS) and Write From Dictation (WFD).
All practice materials have been generously shared online by various individuals contributing to the exam community. My role is solely to organize and aggregate these resources, and I'm deeply thankful to all who have contributed.
This website is committed to remaining entirely free for everyone. If you find this resource helpful, you can support the website through the button below. After covering basic maintenance costs, all donations will be fully contributed to VOICE for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children in Canada, an organization close to my heart due to my personal experience with hearing impairment.
I understand firsthand the unique challenges faced in language assessments and life, and my goal is to provide meaningful support to others facing similar obstacles.
If you have questions, suggestions, or additional resources to share, please feel free to reach out via email at [email protected]. Should you encounter any bugs or issues, kindly report them through GitHub Issues or by email.
Fellow programmers, your stars and pull requests on GitHub are warmly welcomed—your involvement ensures the ongoing growth and improvement of this platform.
This project is completely open source and maintained on GitHub. We welcome contributions, bug reports, and feature requests!
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Carefully curated content to improve your speaking skills and prepare for the RS section.
Enhance your listening and writing skills with our WFD practice materials.
Contribute to the platform and help make it better for everyone.